406: Youth Volunteers as Leaders

Serial social entrepreneur and youth leader, Zainab Abu-Gilal of MuslimDepiction is taking on big issues, in this case how Muslims are portrayed in society, all while finishing school. In this episode, she helps break the myths about “younger generations” and what they can achieve.

Guest Bio

Zainab Abu-Gilal



Welcome to MuslimDepiction, a nonprofit organization that strives to inform, support, and help Muslims around the world. Anyone is welcome to join and support us regardless of their religion or belief. We teach and inform about Islam and help break stereotypes regarding Muslims. We also bring awareness to multiple issues regarding Islamic nations through our social media and our articles page. 

Muslims are very underrepresented in many communities which is why we provide a place for Muslims to help each other, support each other, and communicate. We teach and inform through our Instagram and articles page. We help donate and create projects also through our Instagram and website. As for communication, we provide a social network, discord, where people globally can get together to communicate. 

You can help support us through many means such as following us on our social platforms or donating towards one of our current ongoing projects. Thank you so much for all of your support and your time. We hope you enjoy your time here as we guide you through our mission!

Show Notes

MuslimDepiction is a nonprofit that brings awareness and teaches about the diversity and culture of the middle east. Through the help of volunteers and their newsletter, they spread the word about our nonprofit throughout America. They are also currently raising funds to build a school in Bali for over 60 students for preschool-kindergarten.

In this episode, Zainab shares how she has engaged volunteers to spread the word in their campuses, pass out flyers, print posters, and advocate on their social and family circles and get involved in their Go Fund Me project.  She discusses how volunteering and charity is a vital part of the Musilim community’s focus on doing good deeds.

As a nonprofit founder and leader of volunteers, Zainab has faced many of the same challenges of her older counterparts. In our conversation, she shares how she has engaged a multi-generational group of volunteers - age 15 to 40 - and how she approaches volunteers who aren’t performing to expectations.  If you have doubted the commitment and potential of youth and young adults, think again. Zainab’s story will make you rethink your point of view!

To get in touch, email muslimdepiction@gmail.com

To learn more and make a donation, check out:



You can also find MulsimDepiction on social media at:

Instagram - muslimdepiction

For More

For more on how organizations are engaging volunteers to combat bias and racism, check out Time + Talent Podcast Episode 306: Quilting for Justice

Jennifer Bennett